Direct anti-atherosclerotic therapy di Alexander Orekhov edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Direct anti-atherosclerotic therapy





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Descrizione Direct anti-atherosclerotic therapy

The results of numerous clinical trials with statins and other drugs have demonstrated the principal possibility of the prevention and regression of atherosclerosis by pharmacotherapy. Using cellular models and natural products, we have developed an approach to prevent atherosclerotic manifestations in arterial cells. Based on our knowledge of atherosclerosis, we developed anti-atherosclerotic drugs. Two-year treatment with Allicor (garlic powder) has a direct anti-atherosclerotic effect on carotid atherosclerosis in asymptomatic men. Inflaminat (calendula, elder, and violet), which possesses anti-cytokine activity, has been shown to cause the regression of carotid atherosclerosis. The phytoestrogen-rich drug karinat (garlic powder, extract of grape seeds, green tea leaves, hop cones, ¿-carotene, ¿-tocopherol, and ascorbic acid) prevents the development of carotid atherosclerosis in postmenopausal women. Thus, our basic findings were successfully translated into clinical practice. Because of this translation, a novel approach to anti-atherosclerotic therapy was developed. Our clinical trial confirmed the efficacy of both the novel approach and the novel drugs.

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