Dios Es el Evangelio: God Is The Gospel = God Is the Gospel di John Piper edito da Portavoz

Dios Es el Evangelio: God Is The Gospel = God Is the Gospel







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Descrizione Dios Es el Evangelio: God Is The Gospel = God Is the Gospel

Este libro es una historia desde lo mas profundo del corazon del autor. Nos ruega que entendamos que Dios, como fue revelado a traves de la muerte y la resurreccion de Cristo, es el regalo mas grande e importante del todo el evangelio. Todos los dones de Dios son una muestra de su amor porque nos guian hacia si mismo. Este es el amor autentico de Dios, su compromiso para hacer todo necesario para captarnos con lo que real y profundamente nos satisface: Dios mismo. Disponible en ingles de Crossway. [This book is a story from the heart of John Piper. He is pleading for us to see that God Himself, as revealed in Christ's death and resurrection, is the ultimate and greatest gift of the gospel. All God's gifts are loving only to the degree that they lead us to God Himself. That is what God's love is: His commitment to do everything necessary to enthrall us with what is most deeply and durably satisfying-namely, Himself. Available in English from Crossway.]

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