Dim Sum Girls di Christine Lai edito da Partridge Singapore
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Dim Sum Girls

A Journey of Cooking and Friendship





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Descrizione Dim Sum Girls

Christy Sin loves making dim sum. When she earns a place at the Dim Sum Cooking Academy for Girls, she is thrilled to be learning new skills that will hopefully allow her to win a dim sum competition. As Christy and her new best friend and fellow student, Vanessa, arrive at the first cooking competition the next day, they learn they will be making xiao mai, the easiest kind of dim sum. With only fifteen minutes to cook, Christy works furiously. But when she realizes that another competitor may be cheating and that her xiao mai may be raw, Christy must work to overcome all the challenges she never expected. As she attempts to build her confidence, push down her fears, and rise above the other participants, Christy holds tightly to her dream of winning the final competition. But will it ever come true? Dim Sum Girls shares the tale of a Chinese girl's journey as she enters an important cooking competition where she conquers many obstacles and learns the value of a true friend.

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