Digital Teleretinal Screening edito da Springer-Verlag GmbH
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Digital Teleretinal Screening

Teleophthalmology In Practice





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Descrizione Digital Teleretinal Screening

Digital retinal imaging performed by primary care providers and nurses, followed by remote image interpretation (teleretinal imaging), is rapidly acquiring a crucial role in many parts of the world as it permits the detection of major diseases, such as diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma, in patients who would otherwise be beyond the reach of a trained ophthalmologist. In this book, experts from around the world describe how digital teleretinal screening can be set up and optimally utilized. Technical issues are discussed, and the appropriate use of screening for different diseases and in different age groups is explained. The major part of the book draws upon the clinical experience of leading practitioners in a wide range of teleretinal applications. The result is a comprehensive source of high-quality information for clinicians and other health professionals who are involved in eye care delivery, so that they can assess how teleretinal screening might be applied to their working practice.

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