Differentiating Instruction di Marie Menna Pagliaro edito da Rowman & Littlefield Education
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Differentiating Instruction

Matching Strategies With Objectives





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Descrizione Differentiating Instruction

In this book you will improve the instructional strategies you are currently using and learn new ones to add to your repertoire. Accomplishing this task will provide you the variety that will better match different kinds of objectives with corresponding instruction and help you deal more successfully with the diverse needs of students in your class. Possessing a strong range of instructional strategies will also give you the flexibility to make your classes more interesting and brain-compatible. Since having a number of different strategies will keep your students more meaningfully engaged in the instructional process, student misbehavior will tend to decrease thereby minimizing your stress level. The book explains when it would be most appropriate to use each strategy and includes the theory behind the strategy and how it can be implemented. Coaching rubrics allow teachers to assess their current mastery of skills and, when necessary, improve performance.

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