Difference You Make: Changing Your World Through the Impact of Your Influence di Pat Williams, Jim Denney edito da REVEL FLEMING H
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Difference You Make: Changing Your World Through the Impact of Your Influence

Changing Your World Through the Impact of Your Influence





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Descrizione Difference You Make: Changing Your World Through the Impact of Your Influence

We each have an enormous sphere of influence--and most of us don't even realize it. This is a book with a mission--a mission to show you the impact of your life on those around you. "After you read The Difference You Make, you'll never take your influence for granted again. Pat Williams gives you all the tools you need to refine, enrich, and expand your influence on the world around you."--Mike Smith, Atlanta Falcons head coach "If you want to live a life of significance, then live to impact others! Pat Williams gives you the practical insights and powerful motivation you need to live a life of influence in your home, your workplace, your community, and your world."--Dr. Tony Evans, The Urban Alternative founder and president "This should be recommended reading for people in all walks of life, as a blueprint of what is possible in our role as difference-makers."--Muffet McGraw, University of Notre Dame head women's basketball coach "I know of no one more capable of helping others realize their potential and the 'difference they can make' than Pat Williams."--Terry Collins, New York Mets manager "Pat Williams not only inspires us to be people of influence, but he gives us the practical steps and tools we need to impact others in a powerful way."--Romeo Crennel, Kansas City Chiefs head coach "Packed with valuable new insights about how to have a powerful, positive impact on people in your life. Read it and put these principles into practice. This book is a game changer."--Don Mattingly, Los Angeles Dodgers manager

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