Did Ye Hear Mammy Died di SEAMAS O'REILLY edito da Little Brown Paperbacks (a&c)
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Did Ye Hear Mammy Died

The Bestselling Memoir





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Descrizione Did Ye Hear Mammy Died

'An irrepressibly funny and poignant memoir of family life after bereavement' TLS Did Ye Hear Mammy Died? is Seamas O'Reilly's memoir of growing up as one of eleven children in rural Northern Ireland in the 1990s after the death of their mother. He delves into his family - his pleasingly eccentric, reticent but deeply loving father; his rambunctious siblings, intent on enforcing a byzantine age-based hierarchy; and the numerous bewildering friends, relations and neighbours who blew in and out to 'help'. 'The most honest, hilarious, incisive and bawl-your-eyes-out sad things I've ever read. Family, grief, religion, politics - it's all there and it's gloriously written. If you need a lift and a good cry, this will do it' Stylist 'A fantastic, freewheeling, funny exploration of the most dreadful time in this Northern Irish family's life, from their dad's dogged determination to keep them going to the reality of growing up as a Catholic in a majority Protestant society' Financial Times

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