Dictionary of Soil Bioengineering Wörterbuch Ingenieurbiologie di Lorenzo Dibona, Matthias Dietz, Pierre-André Frossard, Yves Leuzinger, Matthias Oplatka, Fabio Palmeri, Les Reussilles edito da Vieweg+Teubner Verlag
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Dictionary of Soil Bioengineering Wörterbuch Ingenieurbiologie






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Descrizione Dictionary of Soil Bioengineering Wörterbuch Ingenieurbiologie

To date the use of vegetation for the protection and rehabilitation of land is being demonstrated by a few far-sighted individuals. These individuals have recognised the need to consider cost-effective and environmentally­ friendly techniques. As this group grows in numbers, interest in soil bioengineering is developing, standards are being raised and ideas are being exchanged. Soil bioengineering unites a number of professionals with civil engine­ ering, geomorphology, planning, forestry and horticultural skills. These professionals have the common aim of designing and implementing a quality solution to a specific problem. This multi-disciplinary synergy of ideas and approaches to solving problems can be an exciting and dynamic way to work; the players bring their own methodologies, bases and views of the problem. Innovative solutions often stern from a knowledge and respect for older labour-intensive technologies. Such skills have , in recent decades, been undervalued and sometimes forgotten. Soil bioengineering offers a chance to revive some of those skills and combine what is best of our modem technologies with a respect for indigenous and sustainable forms of land care.

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