Dialogues with the Holy Spirit di Rusty Stephens edito da Balboa Press
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Dialogues with the Holy Spirit

Journal of a Student


Balboa Press





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Descrizione Dialogues with the Holy Spirit

Preferring to call his role scribe and not author, Rusty Stephens had, for a very long time, been searching for a new level of understanding about spirituality. He could not see how to go forward, knew he could not go back, yet was experiencing increasing discomfort with where he was. A point of dissatisfaction and bewilderment had come. He would soon learn that such times reached by all of us, often described as a "dark night of the soul", are points of spiritual tension, signaling opportunity for growth. In his frustration he became angry at God and said out loud "I am tired of trying to read signs, clouds, chicken entrails, or tea leaves. There must somewhere be a giant red phone with a giant capital letter 'G' on the dial plate and I want, by God, the 800 number!" A turning of the corner had come in that moment of frustration, anger, and yet also, prayer. One night the spiritual phone rang and he was instructed to write down the dialogues that followed. He learned of the true unity of all things and that each of us, brothers and sisters, are a vital loved and loving part of that whole. A wide range of topics was covered including: the Creator, the Universe, the Holy Spirit, love, peace, joy and bliss, spiritual growth, ego, personality, right relationship, meditation, miracles, the world crisis, Masters, America, karma, the reality of brotherhood, the Christ, and humanities' critical role in the unfolding of these extraordinary times of change. Given also were specific techniques and exercises for spiritual awareness and growth. He was also to learn of the importance of actually asking for spiritual help and guidance and that this capacity to ask and also to receive is hardwired into each of us.

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