Dialogue Gap di Peter Nixon edito da John Wiley & Sons
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Dialogue Gap

Why Communication Isn't Enough And What We Can Do About It, Fast





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Praise for Dialogue Gap "Peter Nixon's Dialogue Gap is a powerful and a timely call for all of us who care for the fate of humanity's future. His Holiness the Dalai Lama, for whom I have had the honor to serve as principal English translator for over twenty-five years, often expresses his hope that the twenty-first century be a 'Century of Dialogue.' With Peter's work, we now have the specifics of the tools to make that noble aspiration a practical reality. I urge everyone who is concerned about the health of humanity and the world we live in to read this important book." --Thupten Jinpa, PhD; Principal English translator to the Dalai Lama; author of Essential Mind Training

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