Dialogue Analysis IX: Dialogue in Literature and the Media, Part 1: Literature edito da De Gruyter
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Dialogue Analysis IX: Dialogue in Literature and the Media, Part 1: Literature

Selected Papers from the 9th IADA Conference, Salzburg 2003


De Gruyter





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These two volumes offer a selection of the papers held at the conference of the International Association for Dialogue Analysis (IADA) in 2003. Volume I contains 38 articles devoted to dialogue and the phenomenon of 'dialogicity' in literature, ranging from antiquity to a large number of modern languages and literatures. The conversation-analytic approaches drawn upon are notable for their methodological diversity. This is also true of the 32 articles in Volume II. The main focus here is on present-day types of dialogue in the new electronic media and their 'traditional' counterparts (press, radio, television, film). The examples are taken from various countries, and they are discussed in terms of the intercultural, semiotic, translatorial, and general pragmatic issues they pose.

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