The Devil's Disciple di Frank J. Strobel edito da iUniverse
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The Devil's Disciple

Different Sides of War







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Descrizione The Devil's Disciple

When author Frank Strobel returned from Vietnam, he felt as if he had used up a great deal of his personal "life force" during that year. He worked very hard that year-physically, mentally, and emotionally-and experienced almost every feeling known to man at a very high intensity. The Devil's Disciple: Different Sides of War presents a compilation of his experiences in Vietnam, exploring this intensity and recalling the speed with which events moved during his time there. Strobel's missions during wartime were not for the faint of heart His experiences helped him to understand that war has an impact beyond just the fighting involved. There are people, young and old, affected by war. They lived in the villages that he visited as part of his tour of duty. In some of his experiences, he talks about the children he met in the villages of Vietnam and their love for American bubble gum. Using hand signals and an occasional interpreter, he was able to communicate with some of the children and older people in the villages, learning about them and about their lives. In The Devil's Disciple, Strobel shares his personal experiences during one of the most challenging wars the United States has fought.

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