The Devil's Deeds di Latasha Oliver-Pullins edito da Page Publishing Inc
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The Devil's Deeds





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Descrizione The Devil's Deeds

Tina and Charlie were typical children until the untimely death of their mother. They were young when she passed, and her death was a forbidden topic of conversation in their home. When a beautiful woman named Doris enters their lives, seemingly by accident, they are all too accepting. Never really grieving the loss of their mother, Doris seems an adequate substitute. All begins well, but soon Tina and Charlie discover Doris has a dark side contrary to the loving, mother-like facade she put on during their father's courtship of her. Behind her extravagant beauty, a murderous, cannibalistic being was emerging. Doris's true nature was subtle in the beginning but after their father's death would become the violent reality they would mature with. After a deliberate, opportune, and tragic fire consumes their home, the secrets buried within would reveal itself. Along with the fire comes a sense of relief that their nightmare has ended. Tina manages to move on with her life, becoming a caregiver for the elderly. She takes on her last client, Ms. Turner, a feeble, old burn victim. Strange events start happening in her client's home. Tina wonders if the unexplained events at Ms. Turner's are somehow related to her past. One day while snooping around Ms. Turner's house, the truth is discovered. Now Tina must survive the influence Doris left on her physical safety and mental well-being.

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