Developing and Applying Optoelectronics in Machine Vision edito da Information Science Reference
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Developing and Applying Optoelectronics in Machine Vision





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Descrizione Developing and Applying Optoelectronics in Machine Vision

Sensor technologies play a large part in modern life as they are present in security systems, digital cameras, smartphones, and motion sensors. While these devices are always evolving, research is being done to further develop this technology to help detect and analyze threats, perform in-depth inspections, and perform tracking services. Developing and Applying Optoelectronics in Machine Vision evaluates emergent research and theoretical concepts in scanning devices and 3D reconstruction technologies being used to measure their environment. Examining the development of the utilization of machine vision practices and research, optoelectronic devices, and sensor technologies, this book is ideally suited for academics, researchers, students, engineers, and technology developers.

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