Desperate Measures Volume 2 di Samuel Voyles edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Desperate Measures Volume 2



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Descrizione Desperate Measures Volume 2

Every family has something to hide. Tensions rise both inside and outside the Klimmings family. As they deal with the dramatic events that conclude Volume 1, Peter makes necessary moves to protect his political empire. With both Klimmings children engrossed in their own conflicts, Vicki must conceal her emotions and forge forward with leading the family business. But when China becomes more hostile toward the United States, and people begin to question Gabby's whereabouts, decisions must be made that will impact Peter's presidency and put the ownership of Klimmings Incorporated into question. Samuel Voyles' second book takes readers into the world of the Klimmings family once again, showing them that being rich may not be all it's hyped up to be. With the Klimmings family continuing to exhibit their corruption, readers may begin to see how power consumes and destroys the relationships around.

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