Depression Self Help: Take the depression test to find out what is contributing to your depression and learn the strateg di Sheree Jarman edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC

Depression Self Help: Take the depression test to find out what is contributing to your depression and learn the strateg





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Descrizione Depression Self Help: Take the depression test to find out what is contributing to your depression and learn the strateg

Sheree Jarman is a counselor and motivational speaker who helps youth and adults overcome destructive thinking patterns to prevent depression. Sheree previously suffered with depression for 17 years and in 2007 she learnt strategies that enabled her to live a life free from depression. Why not learn the same strategies Sheree and thousands of other people have used to help you overcome depression. These strategies will save you time and money on treatment programs, therapists and a potential loss of income. Sheree lost thousands of dollars due to her inability to be able to work to her maximum potential in the industry she thrives, because depression was holding her back. Is depression limiting your potential? This book will provide you with what depression is, why some people suffer with depression and others don't, the depression test to help you learn the strategies you need to overcome depression and the 5 Strategies Sheree personally used to help her overcome. This book is no fantasy story, it is based on a true story that is filled with action, courage, hope and faith that we have the power to change our life. Everyone can experience depression for a shorter period of time due to grief or loss, but the depression Sheree is talking about lasts for years and we often don't know why we have it or how to live a life free from its clutches. As a counselor and a person who lived a life of depression for 17 years, Sheree has been able to learn why she suffered with depression and proven strategies to live a depression free life. There are a lot of theories out there that claim to fix depression and maybe they have worked for you, but they didn't all work for Sheree and in this book Sheree will explain to you which strategies changed her life forever. Sheree's invaluable experience has taught her if we are willing to learn how depression occurs in our life and who we are as individuals, we can learn to approach our circumstances in a healthy way and walk free from the grips of depression. Sheree's not selling you an overnight cure, this is a lifestyle change. Depression is our physical body's way of telling us there is something wrong on the inside. Do you feel like depression is weighing you down? Then this is the book for you. If we are going to improve our mental health we need to locate the root cause of why we suffer with depression and make the necessary changes we need to overcome if we want to be free. Remember depression happens for a reason, we aren't just born with depression. Depression can be a like an onion, we might need to peel back several layers before we find out what is really going on underneath the surface. Don't let fear or pride control you, take charge today and begin the courageous journey to face your darkness and walk into the light. As you face your fears your courage will begin to grow and it will eventually get easier. Taking that first step can be scary, but it is well worth it. Fear only exists because you don't know what's on the other side. What if the other side of depression is the beginning to a new life, a life you never experienced before, if you don't leave fear behind, you will never know?

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