...denkt immer an den ´mittleren Funktionär´... - Wolfgang Abendroth (2. Mai 1906 bis 15. September 1985) di Richard Albrecht edito da GRIN Verlag
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...denkt immer an den ´mittleren Funktionär´... - Wolfgang Abendroth (2. Mai 1906 bis 15. September 1985)


GRIN Verlag





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Descrizione ...denkt immer an den ´mittleren Funktionär´... - Wolfgang Abendroth (2. Mai 1906 bis 15. September 1985)

Wissenschaftlicher Aufsatz aus dem Jahr 2005 im Fachbereich Didaktik - Politik, politische Bildung, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: In his scholarly essay, the author, an experienced cultural scientist and social psychologist, tries an ¿intellectual portrait¿ and reminds of Wolfgang Abendroth, a German political scientist and leftiest closely connected with the (small) socialist sector/s of the German working class and labour movement since the early 1920¿ies. In his introduction the author very briefly paints his own impression when he was a graduate student in Marburg/Lahn where the portrayed worked for about two decades as an academic teacher (1951-1972). - Quoting Wolfgang Abendroths wife and comrade - Dr Lisa Abendroth - on what Wolfgang once pointed out: "Better imprisoned even within the ¿Third Reich¿ than forced to be an émigré", the author, in the first part of this piece, tells the story on the very life of Wolfgang Abendroth as a member of the German working class movement, attested to be personal as friendly and bold, partly beloved as an intellectual adviser and moral authority within German labour left but also basically accepted as an honorary person and political figure even from the bulk of his adversaries.

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