Deliverance di Umesh Moudgil edito da New Generation Publishing
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Descrizione Deliverance

The world around us is ever changing and time waits for no man or women. In Raj's world the heavens opened up to give him a second chance to face his demons head on and have some sort of closure that he was looking for. He needed to release the emotions, the ties and make peace with the people he loved. Asking for forgiveness is hard but saying your sorry is even harder. Until he did not respect himself, he could not move on and other souls linked to him could not move on. Life is a beautiful thing and if you open your eyes, heart and mind you can transcend into the heavens and shed your material desires. The book is full of love, humor, passion and asks the question "is there life after death" and do our deeds decide where our soul will move to next ... They say Love breaks boundaries but also it has the opposite effect to break a person, understanding is everything but showing compassion, respect doesn't cost us a thing.

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