Definition of Communicative Standards in an English Teaching Course di Ana Maria Hurtado edito da LAP Lambert Acad. Publ.
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Definition of Communicative Standards in an English Teaching Course

An Action Research Experience in a Latin American University





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Descrizione Definition of Communicative Standards in an English Teaching Course

Many EFL teacher training organisations are trying to improve the communicative skills of their graduates. However, these valuable experiences and efforts are seldom shared with the academic community. This action research project aimed at establishing in a precise, rational and consensual way the linguistic and communicative levels that the students of the English Teaching Course of a Latin American University could attain at the end of each of the four years of study. Specifically, the teachers and students were involved in thought-provoking dialogues to discuss the development of skills in English, taking into consideration their needs, the national Ministry of Education policies and the Common European Framework for Languages. The voices of the students and the teachers can be heard throughout the study, as their concerns and proposals found here a channel of expression. The issues raised were confronted with the views of TEFL experts. These ideas and paths of action can be useful, encouraging and inspiring for institutions who have committed their efforts to raise the quality of initial teacher training and development.

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