The Defining Curse di Randy C. Dockens edito da CARPENTERS SON PUB
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The Defining Curse





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Descrizione The Defining Curse

Lucifer causes a curse that could change mankind's destiny. The prophet Jeremiah announces a curse which states the descendants of the Jewish King Jehoiachin will not become king of Judah and that Jehoiachin will be put in prison in Babylon. Lucifer tries to use this curse to change the prophecy of the coming Messiah while at the same time the archangel Mikael works to defeat Lucifer's plans by aiding the prophet Daniel to alter Jehoiachin's destiny. Can either accomplish this feat when Babylon is the heart of the worship of Lucifer and his demons? The Defining Curse is part of a new revolutionary series based upon the Bible entitled The Adversary Chronicles by futuristic fiction author Randy C Dockens. If you like Christian fiction books based upon biblical stories with a science fiction feel, then you will love this unique fast-paced suspense story occurring in the past but preparing for the future. You've never read a Bible story like this one! Get your copy of The Defining Curse and enjoy the third installment of this exciting new series today!

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