Defining Culinary Authority: The Transformation of Cooking in France, 1650-1830 di Jennifer J. Davis edito da LOUISIANA ST UNIV PR
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Defining Culinary Authority: The Transformation of Cooking in France, 1650-1830

The Transformation Of Cooking In France, 1650-1830





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Descrizione Defining Culinary Authority: The Transformation of Cooking in France, 1650-1830

Combining rigorous archival research with social history and cultural studies, Defining Culinary Authority uncovers the lost world of France s cooks. Davis interrogates the development of cooking aesthetics and practices by examining the propagation of taste, the training of cooks, and the policing of the culinary marketplace in the name of safety and good taste. French cooks formed their profession through a series of debates intimately connected to broader Enlightenment controversies over education, cuisine, law, science, and service. Though cooks assumed prominence within the culinary public sphere, the unique literary genre of gastronomy replaced the Old Regime guild police in the wake of the French Revolution as individual diners began to question cooks authority in treatises about cooking and consuming food. This question of who wielded culinary influence and thus shaped standards of taste continued to reverberate throughout society in the early nineteenth century.

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