Defending Sophie di Pj Fiala edito da Rolling Thunder Publishing
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Defending Sophie





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Descrizione Defending Sophie

GHOST: Government Hidden Ops Specialty Team. They eliminate the threat when no one else can. GHOST team leader Gaige Vickers has a company of special operatives to run. He's responsible for implementing every part of the team's top-secret missions and making sure everyone comes home safe. And with national security threats becoming more prevalent every day, he can't afford a distraction. Especially not Sophie Turner, his best friend's little sister. He's known her since she was way too young and she distracts him just by breathing. But when Sophie calls out of the blue and tells him she needs him, Gaige can't turn his back on her. Not when a murderer is framing her, and she's quickly running out of options and time. Gaige will move heaven and earth to make sure Sophie is safe, her stellar Army career is restored, and the murder is solved. But Sophie will prove she's much more than the young girl he once knew. She's a woman, and more than a match for him. ¿¿¿ Entire series complete! USA Today bestselling author PJ Fiala brings you the full and complete GHOST series-heroes willing to sacrifice everything in service to their country, and for the women they love. Full length novel with no cliffhanger, no cheating, and a happily-ever-after guaranteed.

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