Defending Isabella di Pj Fiala edito da Rolling Thunder Publishing
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Defending Isabella





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Descrizione Defending Isabella

GHOST: Government Hidden Ops Specialty Team. They eliminate the threat when no one else can. GHOST operative Josh Masters loves his life and the excitement of his job. Saying he's married to it, would be accurate. Taking down criminals one by one is the thrill of a lifetime. Dr. Isabella Martinez will do anything to help others, she's dedicated her life to it. Planning her own clinic while building her medical practice is her passion. But after her brother disappears, Isabella must enlist the help of the sexy stranger she met at a wedding to locate him before it's too late. Helping the gorgeous Isabella find her brother is only the start. Unearthing the criminal enterprise her brother founded sends her and her family reeling. As the kidnappers turn their attention toward Isabella, Josh's new mission is to protect the tantalizing doctor from a predator hellbent on revenge. Can he do both? *** Entire series complete! USA Today bestselling author PJ Fiala brings you the full and complete GHOST series-heroes willing to sacrifice everything in service to their country, and for the women they love. Full length novel with no cliffhanger, no cheating, and a happily-ever-after guaranteed.

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