Death in Time di Lindsley Rinard edito da iUniverse
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Death in Time







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Descrizione Death in Time

When Dr. Timothy Anderson is acquitted in the murder of his wealthy wife, Melanie Withers is terrified. She testified against Anderson and ruined his career as a plastic surgeon. Certain that he will seek revenge and try to destroy her career and her life, Melanie prepares to disappear. She plans every detail of her escape from Baltimore, Maryland, to Scottsville, Idaho, where she intends to start anew. But disturbing events begin to occur just after Melanie moves into an older house that was suddenly and mysteriously vacated by its former owners. Someone sabotages her computer, cuts her phone line, and repeatedly breaks into her house. At this same time, her neighbor and friend, Aaron Butler, is attacked and beaten. Melanie can't avoid suspecting Anderson is behind it all. As the violence escalates, unconventional private detective Nate Griswald investigates, determined to uncover the truth before the situation becomes deadly. Both a chilling suspense tale and a moving love story, Death in Time explores the limits of good and evil.

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