The Death of Ivan Ilych and Other Stories di Leo Tolstoy edito da Penguin Publishing Group
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The Death of Ivan Ilych and Other Stories





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Descrizione The Death of Ivan Ilych and Other Stories

Leo Tolstoy combined detailed physical description with perceptive psychological insight to sweep aside the sham of surface appearances and lay bare man's intimate gestures, acts, and thoughts. Murder and sacrifice…greed and devotion…lust and affection…vanity and love-one by one, in this volume of great stories, Tolstoy dissects the basic drives, emotions, and motives of ordinary people searching for self-knowledge and spiritual perfection. Chekhov said, "Of authors my favorite is Tolstoy." And Turgenev "marveled at the strength of his huge talent…It sends a cold shudder even down my back…He is a master, a master."Now with a new introduction by Regina Marler and an afterword by Hugh McLean.

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