Death's Door: Second On The Left Down The Corridor di Nick Galtresa edito da Austin Macauley Publishers
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Death's Door: Second On The Left Down The Corridor





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Descrizione Death's Door: Second On The Left Down The Corridor

You will spend a lot longer dead than you did alive, but what is death? What is the state of 'deadness' like and how do you find out? Would a seance be better than an ouija board? Does the British Library have a book on the subject or with its skill in killing people, does the War Office have a pamphlet? Would a priest have the answer and if so what denomination? If the Forth Bridge is a long way away in Scotland, cold, wet, windy and hard to climb, why is it so popular with jumpers? I have written a letter to God, what address should I put on it? How do you connect with your 'Jewish side' if you don't have one and will drinking malt whiskey with an unorthodox rabbi help? And why is the frog at the bottom of Eric's tankard called Clarence? These and a host of other questions beset Miles Short, an aging man still rankling at the heartless parents who gave him his unfortunate first name and followed it up by calling his brother Weebit. The pursuit of an answer takes him down devious paths and to a somewhat undetermined outcome.

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