Dear Son: Rewrite Your Story di KEVEN FARMER SR. edito da Lightning Source Uk Ltd
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Dear Son: Rewrite Your Story

Rewrite Your Story





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Descrizione Dear Son: Rewrite Your Story

The process is one of the highest mountains we will face in life. But without it, we yield to the pre-written script, based on our skin color, our family history, and even our transgressions. The process rests at the door of every situation in our lives, calling us forward with only enough light to see the next step. This might sound terrifying to hear, but I assure you if you set your gaze beyond what you can see; you will find the fuel you need to keep pushing forward. Within these pages, you will find such fuel. The fuel of a man who chose to rewrite his story, even when it looked as if all hope was lost. This same energy he used to teach himself to read when illiteracy had gripped him like a boa constrictor. Now he has a Master's Degree.

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