Dear Mom: A Guided Journal As We Go Through This Journey In Our Grief di Denise Guidice edito da Outskirts Press
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Dear Mom: A Guided Journal As We Go Through This Journey In Our Grief

A Guided Journal As We Go Through This Journey In Our Grief





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Descrizione Dear Mom: A Guided Journal As We Go Through This Journey In Our Grief

No one plans to outlive their child, but when the unthinkable happens, facing a new life without your child is a frightening, lonely, even hopeless prospect. And that's not how God intended us to live! Dear Mom, is both a guided journal & an uplifting collection of Letters and Quotations written by a mother who has lost her son. The letters speak directly to other moms suffering the same loss, offering the comfort of experience and a reminder that God will guide us through our pain if we are willing to let Him. DEAR MOM, Whoever you are, reading this, you are me. Only it is your precious child who is no longer with you as mine is no longer with me. I feel somehow that I know you not by name-but mom to mom, our connection is REAL. Our pain is REAL. Our grief is REAL. And for these reasons, I find myself having to Reach out to you, Dear Mom.

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