Dead Mountain di Douglas Preston, Lincoln Child edito da Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
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Dead Mountain

Nora Kelly




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Descrizione Dead Mountain

The latest pulse-pounding thriller from New York Times bestsellers Preston & ChildFifteen years ago, a group of young engineers took a winter mountaineering trip to the New Mexico mountains. When they failed to return home, searchers uncovered a disturbing scene. The group's tent had been slashed open from the inside, as if its inhabitants had fled in terror. What could have been horrific enough to make nine adults risk their lives in a vicious blizzard?Despite a diligent FBI investigation, and the discovery of horrifically mutilated corpses, some of the expedition were never found - until now.Two bodies have been located in a remote cave, one bearing signs of a grisly end. The infamous case remains a job for the FBI, so Agent Corrie Swanson calls in archaeologist Nora Kelly to work with him on yet another macabre mystery. Will Dead Mountain shed its secrets - or live up to its name once more?Praise for Preston & Child?Sit back, crack open the book and get ready for the ride of your life.' David Baldacci?White-hot bestselling suspense. Simply brilliant!" Lisa Gardner

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