Dead Letters to Nietzsche, or the Necromantic Art of Reading Philosophy di Joanne Faulkner edito da Ohio University Press
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Dead Letters to Nietzsche, or the Necromantic Art of Reading Philosophy

Or, The Necromantic Art of Reading Philosophy





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Descrizione Dead Letters to Nietzsche, or the Necromantic Art of Reading Philosophy

"Dead Letters to Nietzsche" examines how writing shapes subjectivity through the example of Nietzsche's reception by his readers, including Stanley Rosen, David Farrell Krell, Georges Bataille, Laurence Lampert, Pierre Klossowski, and Sarah Kofman. More precisely, Joanne Faulkner finds that the personal identification that these readers form with Nietzsche's texts is an enactment of the kind of identity formation described in Lacanian and Kleinian psychoanalysis. Not only does this work make a provocative contribution to Nietzsche scholarship, but it also opens in an original way broader philosophical questions about how readers come to be invested in a philosophical project and how such investment alters their subjectivity.

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