De Clifford: A Romance Of The Red Rose: A Poem In Twelve Books di Anonymous edito da Gale Ncco, Print Editions
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De Clifford: A Romance Of The Red Rose: A Poem In Twelve Books

A Romance Of The Red Rose: A Poem In Twelve Books





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Descrizione De Clifford: A Romance Of The Red Rose: A Poem In Twelve Books

Nineteenth Century Collections Online: European Literature, 1790-1840: The Corvey Collection includes the full-text of more than 9,500 English, French and German titles. The collection is sourced from the remarkable library of Victor Amadeus, whose Castle Corvey collection was one of the most spectacular discoveries of the late 1970s. The Corvey Collection comprises one of the most important collections of Romantic era writing in existence anywhere -- including fiction, short prose, dramatic works, poetry, and more -- with a focus on especially difficult-to-find works by lesser-known, historically neglected writers.

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