The Day My Soul was Shattered di Angela Austin edito da AuthorHouse
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The Day My Soul was Shattered







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Descrizione The Day My Soul was Shattered

The Day my Soul was Shattered is a book about the struggles of a young child trying to figure out the world we live in. There was a lot of confusing messages always being given to me. And the biggest message that I learned was that love hurts, it hurts a lot. This message was expressed to me over and over day in and day out over a four year period. The constant beating was almost too much to bear and the thoughts of no longer living became comforting thought. I entertained these thought before I even hit puberty, but I could never do it myself in fear of spending eternity in a hell. As I grew older and was able to start making more and more of my own decision, I realize that one day all this pain would have to come to an end. Either I was going too died or I would someday grow up and no one would be able to prevent me from leaving this situation. Either way I was going to escape! Fortunately because of circumstance at the time neither one of these events happens, but the end results were achieved. I began my adolescent with a warp since of myself I long to be loved and to feel that someone loved me. I knew my mother love me, but knowing it and feeling it was totally different. I started looking for love and acceptance from everyone who entered my life and not getting what I needed. Looking for love and acceptance and not getting what I needed lead me to a young man that turns my world inside out. Because of this event and the ones afterwards made me the person I am today.

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