Day, Door, Soul di George Epstein edito da iUniverse
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Day, Door, Soul







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Descrizione Day, Door, Soul

George Epstein was a mathematician, scientist, and poet. This mixture of experiences and passions came together to form the three-part poetry collection Day, Door, Soul. It presents a progressive visual journey moving from awakening through the portal and finally to divine soul transcendence, as written by a religious man with earthly connections. His collection is intended for those who are aware of the spiritual journey of life and for those who seek to unravel the mysteries of life through developing a deeper understanding of self. Epstein weaves imagery within his words to paint pictures that inspire and inform. Even through daily encounters, the greatness of life speaks in the mundane. Even a small ant on a beach has meaning. Globalism and humanity are linked to the individual good. Biblical and mythological images relate to the monotonous day by day. Epstein's poetry asks us to face our ethical dealings, learn the art of balance in daily life, and ponder the impermanence of life as we journey from consciousness through the doorway to our soul.

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