The Dawn of Astronomy - A Study of the Temple-Worship and Mythology of the Ancient Egyptians di Norman Lockyer edito da Grigson Press
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The Dawn of Astronomy - A Study of the Temple-Worship and Mythology of the Ancient Egyptians





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Descrizione The Dawn of Astronomy - A Study of the Temple-Worship and Mythology of the Ancient Egyptians

This vintage work contains a fascinating investigation into Egyptian Astronomy. It contains an at-length discussion of the early astronomical views of the Egyptians, based upon a study of their temples and the mythology connected with their various cults. Written in clear language and profusely illustrated, this marvelous text will be of considerable value to those with an interest in ancient astronomy, and it makes for a great addition to collections of allied literature. The chapters of this book include: The Worship of the Sun and the Dawn, The First Glimpses of Egyptian Astronomy, The Astronomical Basis of the Egyptian Pantheon, The Two Horizons, The Yearly Path of the Sun-God, The Probable Hor-Shesu Worship, et cetera. This book was first published in 1894, and is being republished now complete with a new introduction on the subject.

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