The Dawn and the Day, Or, the Buddha and the Christ di Henry Thayer Niles edito da Cosimo Classics
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The Dawn and the Day, Or, the Buddha and the Christ





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Descrizione The Dawn and the Day, Or, the Buddha and the Christ

Strange dreams by night and troubled thoughts by day Disturb the prince and banish quiet sleep. He dreamed that darkness, visible and dense, Shrouded the heavens and brooded o'er the earth, Whose rayless, formless, vacant nothingness Curdled his blood and made his eyeballs ache; When suddenly from out this empty void A cloud, shining with golden light, was borne... -from "Book III" This collection of inspirational poetry, first published in 1894, had almost been lost to obscurity-now, its song of faith and brotherhood and universal enlightenment is available to readers again. A bridge of verse between Christianity and Buddhism, it is a lyrical tale of unhappy princes and kings of India and their embrace of the Buddha and his wise lessons. Seekers after peace will find solace in this serene work. American lawyer and writer HENRY THAYER NILES (1829-1901) also wrote Railroad Transportation: Its Regulation by State and National Authority (1881).

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