Davidson County, Tennessee, County Court Minutes, Volume 1, 1783-1792 di Carol Wells edito da Heritage Books
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Davidson County, Tennessee, County Court Minutes, Volume 1, 1783-1792





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Descrizione Davidson County, Tennessee, County Court Minutes, Volume 1, 1783-1792

These court minutes are important because few records survive from this formative period in Tennessee history when Davidson County encompassed all of middle and western Tennessee. They are also important because many people are mentioned in the court minutes who do not appear in other records. County court responsibilities went beyond the hearing of lawsuits; roads and ferries had to be provided, brands and marks registered, orphans cared for, estates settled, and many other details of life handled in an orderly manner. In addition to providing a wealth of genealogical information, these abstracts give insight into life during the formative days of the county. A name index is included

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