A Daughter of Eve di Goldie Lieberman edito da Xlibris
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A Daughter of Eve







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Descrizione A Daughter of Eve

This collection of poems was written during a most difficult time in my life. I was going through a divorce, my world having been turned upside down. Each piece in the collection was a catharsis of sorts helping me to deal with my pain while at the same time encouraging me to explore who I was as a woman. Joy and pain are juxtaposed throughout the body of work and reflect the extremes of emotion that I experienced. I've chosen to divide the work into three sections. Each grouping of poems reflects a chapter of my story. Each speaks to elements involved in the process of my continued journey of self-discovery. The Sacred Feminine touches on the spiritual search that has been such a driving force throughout my life. Earth Mother has become increasingly more important to my growth as I connect to elements in the natural world and feel their essence. The Seeker is the optimist that is forever searching for the positive and the beauty that I know exists within myself and within those whom I love and cherish. The journey of self-discovery continues. I am aware that I am still in the process of Becoming.

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