Darts Finishing Mastery di Jim Chatterton edito da Jim Chatterton
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Darts Finishing Mastery

How to Master the Art of Finishing



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Descrizione Darts Finishing Mastery

Easily and effortlessly master every finish from 2 to 170... Knowing the out-shot combinations - I mean really knowing them - is a skill set that every darts player should strive to master. And yet very few ever do. By following an extremely powerful, and yet easy to use step-by step system, this book takes years off the learning curve and shows you how to develop a World Class level of finishing - no matter where you are currently at. Darts Finishing Mastery: How to Master the Art of Finishing is a university level course in the art of finishing. Once learned, you will instinctively know every finish from 2-170 along with many different options to get them. Don't let finishing get in your way ever again - Learn these methods NOW...

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