Dark Carnival di Nancy K. Duplechain edito da Lulu.com
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Dark Carnival







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Descrizione Dark Carnival

"I noticed countless eyes following me. They belonged to shop-keeps closing up for the night, the homeless watching me from their makeshift beds, call girls pretending to wait for their next tricks on the corners, but all the while, wary of my every move. I didn't belong here and they knew it. I could feel Les Foncés all around me, too, watching me from behind the tombs of the cemeteries, waiting for me around the corners of St. Louis Cathedral. With each breeze that floated off the Mississippi, I could feel their breath on my neck." The city of New Orleans beckons Leigh Benoit into its mysterious arms in this sequel to the popular Dark Bayou. She continues with her mission to learn the art of the Traiteur while ancient beings threaten to tip the balance to the dark side. With the clock ticking, it's a race to find a cursed antique during Mardi Gras-a celebration that is about to become the Dark Carnival.

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