Daniel, the Golden Retriever di Tammy Tomlinson edito da FEIWEL & FRIENDS
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Daniel, the Golden Retriever

Eagan, Kiersten




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Descrizione Daniel, the Golden Retriever

From Tammy Tomlinson and illustrator Kiersten Eagan, a very good dog who is used to winning learns a tough lesson. Based on the true story of the Golden Retriever who stole the show and won over hearts at the 2020 Westminster Dog Show.Daniel is a very good boy. He is happy to be back at the dog show. Why wouldn't he?! He gets bathed and brushed and all the pets and pats from the humans who come to meet him (that's his favorite part). Getting the big red, white, and blue ribbon is important and his sights are set on it. But when Daniel experiences the unexpected, he has to find perspective on what winning truly means to him. Based on a true story, Daniel's experience at the dog show brought support and praise from his numerous fans, who are always rooting for the underdog.

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