Dancing with My Cancer Demon di MD Clark B. Hanmer edito da Lulu.com
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Dancing with My Cancer Demon

All the Way to a NIH/NCI Immunotherapy Clinical Trial







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Descrizione Dancing with My Cancer Demon

This is not your typical death and dying, search for the meaning of life, cancer story. More like a dance lesson. I'm a family doc who flipped to Stage-4 cancer overnight. Making my way with this terrible problem, I've managed to survive a year, learning a lot in the process. This is my journal, with commentary from friends, written as events unfolded. I offer it for others to find insights and make their dance a little easier. Subjects explored: CANCER: the emotional roller coaster, managing well-wishers, keeping everyone up to date, sorting treatment options and clinical trials. HEALTH CARE: find good doctors, manage your medical record, rebut insurance denials, and find an advocate to assist. DOCTORING: my rural practice stories explore what it takes to become a wise physician, by learning from patients. SURVIVING: Resilience, faith, personal choice, palliative care, and advanced directives. LIVING: Reconnecting and having some fun. Making the best of the time we have left.

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