Dancing in the Rain di Marie Trotignon edito da iUniverse
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Dancing in the Rain

A Collection of Raindrops and Rainbows







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Descrizione Dancing in the Rain

Full of whimsical style and vivid imagery, Dancing in the Rain presents a collection of vignettes, both prose and poetry, that demonstrate how we cope with life's storms by learning to dance in the rain. Marie Trotignon delivers an emotionally stirring look at how the average, ordinary occurrences in life can sometimes make the biggest impact on our future. With her talent for weaving words into beautiful pictures, Trotignon uses the metaphor of raindrops and rainbows to explore the intricate nature of humanity. In the short story "Avalanche," a mother seeks to comfort her daughter when both are buried alive in an avalanche. An illegal immigrant, alone in the big city and duped of his possessions, finds himself responsible for an abandoned three-year-old in "One Small Candle." In "From Sissy with Love," the mugging of a young soldier on Christmas furlough in Seattle has a domino effect on many lives beyond his own. Lifted from the tapestry of every day living, Dancing in the Rain reflects the endurance and resilience of the human spirit.

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