Dahlia di Peggie Kahn edito da iUniverse
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The Narduchi Empire Series







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Descrizione Dahlia

The latest installment in the Narduchi Empire Series, Dahlia continues the saga of the powerful Narduchi family that explores their loves, their losses, and the secrets that forever bind them. Products of the Sicilian mafia, Tony and Marletta Narduchi have since put their illegal past to rest. Now with two small children, the Narduchi Empire is legitimate and secure. The rest of the Narduchi family continues to enjoy the lucrative profits from their worldwide olive production business, not knowing that one of their own is about to become the victim of yet another vendetta. Tony's brother, Nello, stays busy working for the family's import and export business in New York. But when he meets the beautiful Lia, a successful lawyer, he instantly falls in love, ignorant of the terrible implications of his actions. Lia is not the sophisticated, worldly girl of Nello's dreams, but a woman bent on vengeance that will stop at nothing to get what she wants. With Nello's life in danger, the entire Narduchi clan becomes an unwilling pawn to Lia's machinations. But there is more to Lia than Nello and everyone else realizes, and her explosive secret may lead to the destruction of them all ...

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