Cyberpunk 2077 di Rafal Kosik edito da Little, Brown
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Cyberpunk 2077





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Descrizione Cyberpunk 2077

In this novel based in the world of 2020's bestselling game Cyberpunk 2077, a group of seemingly ordinary people are torn from their everyday lives and unwillingly thrust into a criminal conspiracy reaching the highest levels of power. Finding themselves in desperate straits, they must ask themselves where the human ends and the digital begins - and whether we should draw a line between them at all.In sparkling Night City, a ragtag group of strangers have just pulled off a heist, robbing a convoy transporting a mysterious container belonging to Militech. The only thing the group has in common is that they were blackmailed into participating in the heist-and they have no idea just how far their mysterious employer's reach goes, or the purpose of the artefact they stole.This newly formed gang-composed of a veteran turned renegade, a sleeper agent for Militech, a computer nerd, a therapist, a ripperdoc, and a techie-must learn how to overcome their differences and work together, lest their secrets be unveiled before they can pull off the next heist.

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