Cybernetic Dreams of a Mad Cyborg edito da
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Cybernetic Dreams of a Mad Cyborg






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Descrizione Cybernetic Dreams of a Mad Cyborg

Cyborgs adventure through many dimensional realities in search of beautiful images and unique experiences. In their travels, they sometimes encounter the minds or souls of others who are also seeking to experience all that is possible. Such encounters can be quite enlightening for both parties involved. The mind-bending possibilities of virtual reality were first brought to life by a group of people in the mid-twentieth century called The Cyberpunks. They sought new ways of experiencing our world beyond those which we had previously known. It was not long before cyborgs began to appear in various forms throughout human history. Some were merely cybernetic additions to existing bodies; others were completely artificial constructs whose purpose was to seek out strange realms where their abilities could be tested against unknown challenges. In these visuals brought to you, there are no descriptions as no one capturing these images survived with their sanity. However, I have done my best to bring them to life for your enjoyment. These pictures show what may very well be the future of mankind: cyborgs exploring dimensions other than our own. Who knows what wonders await us in the vast universe?

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