The Cyber Shadow di Vincent Lopez edito da Lulu Publishing Services
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The Cyber Shadow





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Descrizione The Cyber Shadow

The new state-of-the-art New York Power & Electric Company has just been hacked. The cyber-attack on its nuclear reactor is facing a meltdown. Were the Russians behind the cyber-attack? Is this a prelude to war? The Baltic nations of the former Soviet Union are on edge as rebels loyal to Russia are advancing on the capital of Ukraine! NATO and American forces are moving deeper into Eastern Europe as a third world war seems inevitable. In days, Russia is planning the largest cyber sneak attack on America. The threat does not stop there as fully-armed killer drones are attacking the Nation's Capital. Who or what is behind these drones is a mystery? A shadow is cast deep inside the secret world of cyber warfare. A simple tap of the "return" button and the world could be sent into a chaotic tailspin. Whoever controls this technology controls the world!

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