Cursed Before Birth: A Few Straight Tips Regarding Our Social Condition a Few Straight Tips Regarding Our Social Condition di John H. Tilden edito da Kessinger Publishing
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Cursed Before Birth: A Few Straight Tips Regarding Our Social Condition a Few Straight Tips Regarding Our Social Condition





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Descrizione Cursed Before Birth: A Few Straight Tips Regarding Our Social Condition a Few Straight Tips Regarding Our Social Condition

It is an attribute of human nature to become accustomed to danger, especially when it appears not to threaten a personal attack. So long as contagious disease is in some other neighborhood it excites no special concern. It is time for someone who is intrepid enough to oppose popular sentiment, and who ignores the conventional lines of propriety drawn by ignorant prudes, to come forward and tear away the mask which conceals the incubator of moral disease, and let humanity come face to face with facts, no matter how repulsive they are. If it is immoral to write a warning to the ignorant and innocent, and to write facts so plain that innocent boys and girls who read them will be saved from making the mistakes others have made, then this book is immoral. If there are people who cry out after reading this book, Sensation! let them go to the victims and get the truths of this book verified.

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