Current Trends of Poisoning in a Tertary Care Hospital di Surendra Khosya edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Current Trends of Poisoning in a Tertary Care Hospital

Poisoning in Hadoti Region (Rajasthan, India)





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Descrizione Current Trends of Poisoning in a Tertary Care Hospital

This study was done in order to analyse the trends of poisoning in Kota district keeping in mind various demographic factors. During the study period there were 799 admissions,Maximum numbers of patients 42.92% were in the age group between 21-30 years.Males (61.17 %) were more frequently affected than the females.People from lower socioeconomic status(74.09%) consumed poison more Frequently than the upper socioeconomic status (5.88%).Most people from rural areas (74%) were involved than from urban areas (24.03%) Married people (46.68%) were more frequently involved.Of these,163 (20.4%)patients died due to, poisoning. Suicide attempts among adults, especially in the age group of 21-30 years, could be due to lack of employment, break up in the family support system, failure of love affairs, an individual's frustrations, inadequacy to cope with some immediate situation, impulsive behaviours, stress due to job and family, etc.The mortality/morbidity in any case of acute poisoning depends on a number of factors such as nature of poison, dose consumed, level of avavailable medical facilities and the time of interval between intake of poison and arrival at hospital etc.

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