Current Advances in Osteosarcoma edito da Springer International Publishing
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Current Advances in Osteosarcoma





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Descrizione Current Advances in Osteosarcoma

Current Advances in Osteosarcoma edited by Dr. Eugenie S. Kleinerman summarizes molecular and genetic characteristics, new therapeutic ideas, and biological characteristics that have been uncovered in the past 10 years. Osteosarcoma is an aggressive malignant neoplasm and it is also the most common histological form of bone cancer. It accounts for approximately 56% of new bone tumors, making it the most primary malignant bone tumor in children and adolescents. The lungs are the most common site of metastases and once osteosarcoma spreads to the lungs, it is very difficult to treat. To improve the outcome of this disease, the biology of osteosarcoma needs to be better understood. There are numerous investigators around the world who have made seminal discoveries about the important molecular pathways and genetic alterations that contribute to the development and metastases of osteosarcoma. Other investigators have proposed novel therapeutic strategies including some based on the molecular and genetic phenotype of the disease. Current Advances in Osteosarcoma summarizes all of these new discoveries in one singular text, which will help move the field forward.

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