The Cure di John Stewart edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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The Cure







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Descrizione The Cure

Tim Billings is a successful Atlanta attorney. He didn't climb to such career heights by being an honest man. Tim is a liar and a cheat; his wife, Sue, is ready to leave him and take their two children with her, but when Tim is diagnosed with brain cancer, everything changes. Tim is left with little hope for survival until he is chosen for a radical treatment that guarantees a cure. There's a catch though: it will erase his memory completely. Tim must choose between death and a brand new life. With Sue's help, Tim agrees to the treatment, and, suddenly, Tim Billings has no recollection of his prior life. With Sue as his teacher, he must construct a new self-identity. Soon, Tim's past catches up with him and it threatens to destroy his new life. When Tim is introduced to his former self, Sue finds herself fighting for the man she now loves more than anything. The loving father who would never lie or cheat. Will Sue's loving efforts be enough to prevent Tim from returning to his corrupt past? "The Cure", is a story of healing one body and two souls.

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